About our Educational Resources.

Use the link below to access a full week’s worth of Busy’s Mindful Activities.

The pack includes: a Meditation Monday guided meditation script; a Tune in Tuesday sound walk worksheet; a Wiggle Wednesday movement sequence poster; a Thought Thursday mindful colouring page and a Focus Friday breathing exercise.

Click the buttons below and see which ones works for you.

While we cannot take away the problems, we hope to shine a light on the wide spectrum of mental health issues and the different ways they can manifest themselves through human behaviours.

When we hear the world “health,” we tend to think of physical health. Of course, physical health plays a vital role in our lives. However, mental health is just as important to consider. Our aim in life, particularly for our children, is to be happy and healthy. For this, we need to learn how mental and physical health work together. Because when they work together, our lives have balance.

Healthy mind + healthy body = happy life.

It was helpful because my mind was full at the beginning, then the activities helped me feel relaxed.
— Oliver, Aged 8

More educational resources will be available from our store soon…